STORY TIMEKaltreider Library – Tuesdays, 10:15 and 11:15, Resumes September 11 Children ages 3 to 5.
TODDLER TIME Kaltreider Library – Wednesdays, 10:15 and 11:15. Resumes Sep. 12th - 18mos to 3 yrs.
BABY TIME Kaltreider Library – Thursdays,10:15 and 11:15 Resumes September 13th - Babies to 18 mos
WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE Thursday, September 20th 6:30-7:30PMJeri Jones at the Red Lion Community Center. Race ‘round the solar system, learn facts about our planets and how they move around the sun, then journey outside of the system to the great, wide universe beyond. You’ll learn several of the cool discoveries that the Hubble Space Telescope has made, view objects in the night sky, have a chance to watch a meteorite fall to the earth, and receive a neat giveaway.
BUGS! BUGS! BUGS! Thursday, September 20th 7pmJoin us as insect collector Bob Gardner talks about his large and varied collection of insects both local and from around the world. Some are beautiful some quite unusual, but they are all interesting. This program is family friendly. There will be plenty of room and No sign up is needed.
CHERRY CREST FARMS(between Strasburg and Paradise, East of Lancaster)
Your admission includes The Amazing Maze Maize™, Courtyard Activities, Barnyard Activities, the Cherry-Crest Farm Wagon Tour, and our Cherry-Crest Wagon Express for kids!
· $13.95 (Adults)
· $10.95 (Children 3-11)
· FREE (2 and Under)
· Flash Lite - $10.00 Adult/ $8.00 Child
VERDANT VIEW FARM Guests at Verdant View can experience rural life first-hand by participating in some of the daily farm activities. Children and adults alike can participate in the following on-farm activities:
· Ride the Farmland Fun Tour Wagon
· Milk a cow by hand
· Bottle-feed baby calves
· Pet the pets (kittens, Snipper the friendly dog, goat, sheep, rabbits)
· Feed the swans and geese
· Fish in the farm pond (large-mouth bass and bluegills)
· Walk down the 1/2 mile lane to the "back 40"
· Swing on the porch swing, tire swing, or rope swing
· Play on the corn pile (seasonal, depending on how hungry the cows are!)
· Crawl through the hay tunnels (again, depends on Bessie's appetite)
· If you are lucky, see a calf being born
If you want to milk a cow, our milking times are 730am and 4:30pm.
If you come in the morning to milk a cow, feed the animals and want breakfast and a wagon tour it is $15/adult and $11/child.
Or if you get the guided tour without breakfast it is $11/adult and $7/child.
And without the wagon tour it is $8/adult and $5/child.
LUNCH BOWLING???Maybe we could meet around noon for lunch or 1pm just to bowl with the kids.
Theres a great creek out 624 by the Susquehanna. Bring some chairs, bagged lunches, buckets, shovels, swimsuits for kids to play in the water and non-slippery shoes that can get wet