Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mom's Night Out--August

Come to the first backwards Mom's Night Out.
We are going to start with the best--dessert, then the main dish, etc...
Date: August 4th
Time: 6:30
Place: Heather R's House
RSVP: below in comments
A few of our moms are involved with Weight Watchers, so we are asking that you visit their website and bring a weight watcher dish to pass.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Due to CEF day camp going on at the church this week, we will move playgroup to Kim's house. There will be the kiddie pool and the sprinkler, a sandbox, swing set and trampolene. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Playgroup Thursday July 17th

Plan on getting wet this week. There will either be a sprinkler or pool (or maybe even both). For those of you who don't like getting wet, bring riding toys or enjoy the sandbox. If the weather is bad, we will do riding toys and crafts inside.

Family Night Out

We are having a family night at Mat and Kris's house on Friday July 18th at 6:00. Please bring a dish-to-pass (finger foods or dessert). RSVP to Kris or on the blog. Hope to see you there.