Monday, February 23, 2009

Playgroup-March 5th

Our Theme in March will be books
Have your children bring in their favorite book to show to their friends.
Also, if your child would like to dress up as one of his or her favorite book characters, we would love to see who they like to read about. Please feel free to keep it simple. (There will be dress up clothes provided for them to do dramatic play, so don't feel like you need to go buy anything if you don't have something at home)
We will color pictures and make book marks.
Hope to see you there!

March Mom's Night Out

Join us at Perkins on March 2nd at 6:30
for fellowship and rejuvenation.
Let Kim know if you will be able to come
or post it below.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Playgroup-February 19th

We will learn a little bit about our Presidents,
do some coloring and crafts
and play with play doh.
Meet from 9:30 - 11:00 in the gym

P.S. We were able to send 23 Valentines to people who needed encouragement, thanks to everyone that was at playgroup last week! I appreciate all those who participated!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Date Night

If you and your man want to enjoy a romantic evening away
(or if you just need a little break and want to do some shopping)...
there will be free babysitting at the church
on Friday, February 20th from 5:30 to 8:30.
Dinner will be provided and we will eat around 6:00.
There will be crafts and activities and we will close the night out
with a movie and snack.
If you are interested, talk to Kim or post a comment below.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playgroup-February 5th

There will be Valentine crafts for the kids to make and
we will be making Valentines for some of those who are hurting or need encouragement.
Feel free to bring Valentines for your children to exchange with the other kids.
We are going to meet in the 4 and 5 year old Sunday School Class (near Pearl's office)
from 9:30 to 11:00.