Have a Date Night with your Valentine!!!! We are offering free babysitting on Friday, February 11 from 5:30pm - 8:30pm. We will supply pizza, chips, drinks, & cookies for dinner and are planning crafts and other activities. The kids can also watch a Veggie Tales movie.
When you RSVP, please include the number of kids and their ages that you will drop off. Also indicate if there are any food allergies, so I can plan accordingly.
Tim and I will be dropping off the kids. Thanks for doing this! Hunter, Hailey, and Courtney are 7 and Evie is almost 4. No allergies. Amanda
Hank and I will be dropping off our kids also. Mackenzie--8, Kassie--6, Elijah--4 and Kaden--almost 1. No allergies. Thank you so much!!
We plan to drop off our kids. Levi - 4; Adam - almost 3; Anna - 9 mo. (we can keep her with us if necessary) Levi has milk and peanut allergies, so I will make sure that he is okay for dinner.
Thank you!
Eric and I will be dropping off Emma 4years and Lincoln 10 months (unless you think he's too young this time around). Thank you for doing this, we really need the time alone.Love, Stephanie
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