Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Birthday Party for Jesus

Join us December 16th from 10-12 to celebrate Jesus' birth.  We will have a craft, games, snack/lunch and free play.  We will also make cards for the shut ins.
If you are able to join us, please bring a food item to share..ie, cupcakes, pretzels, fruit, veggies, juice boxes, etc...  RSVP below with number attending and what you will be bringing.

December MNO

This month's MNO is going to be at Panera at 6:30 on December 2nd. RSVP below if you are planning on going. Cookies and coffee at Jenn's house to follow as Panera closes a bit early.  Hope to see you there.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November Tiny Tumblers

This month's Tiny Tumblers will be on Thursday the 21st. Jeanie needs to move our time back to 11:15. I hope that this will still work for everyone. The cost continues to be $3/child. RSVP by the 19th, so that I can let Jeanie know how many to expect.