Saturday, May 31, 2014

June MNO

Jenn has offered to host MNO this month.  We will meet on June 2nd at 6:30 and our theme will be a salad bar.  Jenn is providing the greens, so please sign up to bring toppings, dressings, bread or dessert.  Hope to see you there.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


We will be meeting EVERY Monday at 9:30am, unless there is an unexpected change in Stephanie or Crystal’s schedule.
Please bring your own snack and/ or lunch depending how late you want to stay.

2nd Crystal’s Home for WATER PLAY: 3440 East Prospect Rd, York
9th Rexroth Park: 1941 Prayer Mission Rd, Wrightsville  (Stephanie is not available please call Crystal with any questions)
16th Dallastown Community Park 175 E. Broad St, Dallastown (Stephanie is not available please call Crystal with any questions)
23rd York Township: By Police station, Oak St, York (Spry area)
30th Camp Security: there is a stream, so please prepare for water play: Locust Grove Rd and Easter Blvd


We will be meeting EVERY Monday at 9:30am, unless there is an unexpected change in Stephanie or Crystal’s schedule.
Please bring your own snack and/ or lunch depending how late you want to stay.

12th Outside play at church, bring bikes, roller skates, sand toys, running shoes, etc.
19th Windsor Wonderland: Freysville Road, Windsor

Tiny Tumblers
Thursday May 15th at 11:15.  The cost is $3/child.  Please RSVP below by Tuesday the 13th, so that we can be sure that we have enough children going.